SPhSD 2022 - sYPG Pre-Event Flash Talks

Jeudi 18 Août 2022


Dear participants of the Swiss Pharma Science Day,

In collaboration with the SAPhW, the Swiss Young Pharmacists Group (swissYPG) organizes the «swissYPG Flash-Talks» on 18 August 2022, the afternoon before the Swiss Pharma Science Day, at the House of the University of Bern.

You are a young researcher and have a fascinating project to present? Here is the opportunity and challenge to present it in 3 minutes! Participate at the swissYPG Flash-Talks, connect with other young and experienced researchers, and have a great preconference evening in Bern!

16:15 h Arrival
16:30 h Flash-Talk qualification
17:40 h Flash-Talk finals
18:00 h Networking apéro with organisers and speakers of the Swiss Pharma Science Day
20:00 h To the pubs

The winner of the Flash-Talk competition gets the opportunity to present her/his Flash-Talk during the Award Ceremony of the Swiss Pharma Science Day the next day.

Thanks to our sponsors and supporters we can offer you the train ticket to Bern and back from/to your residence. Alternatively, we can offer you the amount of the train ticket as part of your self-organized overnight stay in Bern.

There are still available places! Deadline for registration via swissypg.org is August 9th 2022.

On behalf of the swissYPG board,

Andreas Schittny, PhD